What the ACT Government is doing

Clean energy is the best option for reducing emissions. Renewable sources of energy like wind and solar are our focus. You can access programs and rebates to help. We’re also encouraging businesses to invest in renewables as part of our clean economy.

What we are doing

We're committed to addressing the social, economic and environmental challenges of energy production and use.

We're aiming to achieve 4 important outcomes for people in the ACT:

  • reliable and affordable energy
  • smarter use of energy
  • cleaner energy
  • growth in the clean energy economy.

Energy efficiency policy and programs

Our policy and programs drive a variety of initiatives, including:

  • transitioning to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in a way that is fair, cost-effective and keeps our energy supply reliable
  • providing at least 250 MW of new ‘large-scale’ battery storage distributed across the ACT
  • transitioning to decarbonise the ACT’s natural gas distribution network.

Cleaner energy

Since 2020, 100% of electricity in the ACT has come from renewable sources. The ACT will maintain this from now on.

We aim to complete a transition away from the other major source of energy in the ACT – gas, by 2045.

100% renewable electricity

We source our electricity from renewable generators, such as solar and wind. These don’t produce any greenhouse gas emissions.

Large-scale generators in the local area include:

  • Mugga Lane Solar Park
  • Williamsdale Solar Farm
  • Royalla Solar Farm.

Some ACT homes and businesses have small rooftop solar panels which generate energy.

Most electricity retailers in Australia allow customers to opt in to GreenPower – an Australian Government accreditation program that guarantees the customer’s electricity use is matched with power from renewable electricity sources.

GreenPower products purchased by ACT consumers are not counted towards the ACT’s 100 per cent renewable electricity target. However, ACT consumers who elect to buy GreenPower contribute to increasing Australia’s overall renewable electricity generation and accelerate the transition to a low-emissions economy.

Solar for multi-unit apartments

New ACT and Commonwealth Government funding will bring rooftop solar to multi-unit apartments. The energy bill savings will be passed on to tenants.

The $3.6 million dollars will provide rebates and concessional loans to body corporates who install solar at their multi-unit dwellings. The program will be rolled out over the next two years.

Over 2,100 dwellings will benefit, which will provide much needed cost of living support to Canberrans living in apartments.

The Commonwealth will provide $1.8m to the ACT under its Solar Banks initiative. The ACT Government will match funding as part of the Sustainable Household Scheme.

For more information visit Community solar banks.

Electricity storage

Generators sometimes produce more energy than we need, which is why we have:

You can see the ACT’s share of output from renewable electricity generators under the large-scale renewable energy target.

We’re making sure our planning system supports energy storage infrastructure. In 2022, the ACT Government commissioned a technical study into planning approval processes for battery storage facilities and EV charging infrastructure.

We can help you switch to renewable options for your home or business. Check out our programs and rebates.

Our pathway to electrification

Fossil fuel gas accounts for more than 20% of our emissions here in the ACT. To achieve the ACT’s commitment of net zero emissions by 2045, we need to cut emissions from gas.

Research shows that the best long-term option for the ACT is to steadily transition from gas to efficient electric technology. The ACT aims to complete the transition by 2045.

Powering Canberra: Our pathway to electrification articulates the ACT Government’s intention to transition away from fossil fuel gas use to renewable electricity by 2045. Read the Position Paper [PDF 17.5MB].

Visit Powering Canberra: Our pathway to electrification to learn about how and why to make the switch and map out your journey using the interactive webtool.

Learn more about switching from gas.

The ACT Government will soon begin consultation on the development of a regulation to limit new gas connections. To register your interest in participating in forums or workshops on a regulation to prevent new gas connections, please contact gastransition@act.gov.au.

An Integrated Energy Plan

An Integrated Energy Plan is being developed to set out the big picture for how the ACT will transition away from fossil fuel gas use, optimise our energy system, engage and support energy consumers, and establish collaborative partnerships with organisations across the ACT to support all this work.

The ACT Government will be engaging with different sectors of the community to develop the Integrated Energy Plan in a series of stages over the coming years. To register your interest in the Integrated Energy Plan, please contact gastransition@act.gov.au.

Growing our clean economy

We’re an attractive location for renewable energy businesses. We have:

  • a skilled labour force and strong local business capabilities
  • access to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and government contracts
  • an established network of renewable energy stakeholders
  • a community that supports environmental initiatives.

Renewable energy project developers and financiers invest in the ACT. This is due to our:

  • legislated renewable energy feed-in tariff and reverse auction process
  • ACT Renewables Hub
  • investment in our local renewable energy industry.

Find out more at Canberra website.


Research and training organisations in Canberra provide services to the renewable energy industry.

For example:

Energy market reforms

There are ongoing energy market reforms to lower power prices and improve your choice.

Gas, electricity and water is regulated under the:

Managing our supplies

The ACT has a reliable supply of electricity, gas and fuel. Interruptions are rare and only last a short time. Your energy provider will tell you about planned interruptions.

An unanticipated or unpredictable event can affect our supply of energy. This may happen due to a natural disaster damaging energy supply infrastructure. Or when spikes in demand exceed supply, such as when we have unusually high or low temperatures.

The ACT is connected to the national energy grid, so we can source some of our renewable electricity supply from other parts of Australia.

Find out more about how the ACT Government manages energy security.

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the ACT and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region.